They’ve been around for over a century. Do you wonder what changes they’ve gone through and how many modern updates were added to the design in all these years? Take a look at the first pair of All Stars and you’ll see they have barely changed at all. You’ll recognise the iconic features right away, which can only mean one thing: they were awesome from the start.
Chuck Taylor All Star Ox
Everyone reaches a point in their lives where they want a pair of All Stars, and that’s when they discover this shoe beyond its looks and find out why so many people always have a pair at home, ready to go. They come in all sorts of designs but this low cut pair is perfect for days with a bit more action when you want your feet to be able to move freely.
Community Approved - Lowest return rate in category
Every quarter, Footway Group highlights products that are rarely returned in combination with few claims within their category.
We do this to increase awareness that a lower return rate and better quality have a positive effect on the product's environmental impact.
For that reason, Footway invests in environmental projects together with Milkywire.
Milkywire connects donors globally to carefully audited civil society organizations working to solve the most pressing environmental problems facing humanity.
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